Sunday, April 27, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Goodlife Fitness's 29th Birthday Party
At the celebrations yesterday, I decided to take some time with the personal trainers and get some measurements. Measuring where you are is important to be able to see how far you've come along and besides, I'm always ready for a challenge.
I did some basic measurements plus three quick tests: Crunches, Push ups, and Squats. The personal trainers timed each one and helped me through crazy repetitions to push my limits. Let me tell you - I was exhausted by the end but felt exhilarated. I taught my class tonight and really wasn't sure I'd get through, but found a way. Now that I'm home, I'm laughing at my pain, and will have to call the Personal Trainers tomorrow to thank them for the incredible soreness and pleasure I got from taking it to the limit yesterday.
Plus, can you believe I've put on more muscle again (that would be the only explanation for the weight gain). Now, that's the kind of weight gain I like!
Once again, happy birthday Goodlife and thanks for showing me how to Live the Good Life.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Finding your Fitness Magic
I used to be a regular member of the gym like many other folks. I would go pretty regularly, between 2-3 times per week. I had difficulty getting out of bed on Saturday’s because it was my only chance to sleep in a little, and sometimes, it just didn’t seem worth it. When I did go, I enjoyed it probably as much as most people did.
In December, 2005, I found myself taking holidays from my full-time career and happened to speak to a friend of mine. He knew I had difficulty finding the time to go to the gym because my toddler’s normally running under foot. It was early in my holidays when he indicated I had a great opportunity to go to the gym at any time for 2 weeks since my son would be at daycare. What a fabulous idea and I never even considered it!
I ended up going to the gym a total of 8 times over the 2 weeks – or 4 times per week. When my holidays were finished, I was hooked. The simple change of 4, made such a dramatic difference in my motivation. I can not explain what happened except to say that everything seemed rosier - everything seemed more fun, happy, and sweaty! I felt exhilarated, and I’m sure my endorphins somehow reached a peak that they had not reached before.
I became completely addicted and continued going 4 times per week well into January. From there, I took additional steps including eventually becoming a fitness instructor at the same gym I used to be a member of.
Of course, my friend, never in a million years would have guessed his comment of “hey you can go work out as often as you like” would have taken the turn it did. I have, of course thanked him immensely for kicking me into gear.
My outlook towards exercise completely changed from “I should exercise and I sort of enjoy it.” to “I love exercising and can not do without it.” With that change in attitude, it is amazing the way the excuses all disappear.
If you’re already doing something, but you haven’t really made that mental leap, I ask that you consider trying something out. Make an investment in tweaking and trying something a little different for 2 weeks to see if you can hit on something a little magical. You may find that it will change your life.
How to help find your Fitness Magic
- Try different activities and/or classes and always give them each a chance. Typically 2-3 times for any one class to determine if you like it or not.
- Do a variety of things every week to keep the interest level up.
- Try changing the activity level over a 2 week period. Try playing with shorter visits, more frequency vs longer visits, less frequency.
Good luck, and please share your success stories.
Monday, April 14, 2008
6-pack on the Beach
Monday, April 7, 2008
It's getting hot in here
This past weekend was a wonderfully warm Toronto weekend with weather in the teens (celsius). We still had snow on our lawns and some of our backyards, but the above 0 weather felt so incredibly warm, I ended up in shorts and short-sleeves outside. Other sane people in my neighbourhood wore jackets over their short sleeves, or long sleeves, and it occurred to me that I've completely turned the corner. Rather than being the person who used to be bundled up more than others, I became the crazy one who can not seem to wear much more than shorts and short sleeves in any and all weather.
In the past few years since I raised my personal fitness levels to new heights, my greatly improved circulation has allowed me to say bye-bye to bulky sweaters. My wardrobe has changed so that I no longer wear winter clothes - all my clothes are lighter spring/summer fare all year round with the occasional light sweater. And my skin? Healthy and glowing just like they advertise on TV, except mine doesn't cost me any creams and crazy claims.
I know circulation, staying warm and looking rosy cheeked may not be the highest priority in most people's fitness goals, but it happens to be a nice side effect that I was reminded of today.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Loving your body
I wrote this just a few short weeks ago, however, this fitness blog was only born yesterday (or something like that). Check out my other post on Misguided Reflections and body-image issues.
Plus, if you want to know more about the recent history and motivations behind the writing of these blogs, click here.
Fitness is a Frame of Mind
“How can I lose about 20 pounds before my holiday? How do I tone my muscles? How can I stay on a diet? How do I get rid of the fat right here (pointing to body part)?”
Unfortunately (or fortunately), I will not be able to answer these and other questions. There are diets, and fads, pills, creams, and even hard work and other things that may (or may not) be the answer you are looking for. To put it simply - that answer is not here. Keep searching elsewhere if you’re looking for recipes, exercise routines, or other items of that nature.
What I hope instead to offer, is to help you get, and maintain the right frame of mind for success in your health and fitness goals. Hello, and welcome to my space.
My intention is to share my experiences and thoughts on the things that have helped me on my path. I am amazed at the changes that have already occurred and it is with that amazement that I wish to share with you. This sounds so cliché, however if I could do it, so can you.
I want to share with you my path, in the hopes that you might get some benefit out of it while on yours. I intend to share some struggles, hopes, fears and of course successes too. Welcome again, and I wish you continued success and your frequent return to this space.
Bye Bye Coach Potato
I had 2 reasons that led me to finally get off my couch and start.
- My doctor - she told me I needed to incorporate exercise into my routine partially because of my family pre-dispositions to the big three (heart, stroke, and diabetes) and partially because of my blood-work results.
- Me - I was uncomfortable with my post-pregnancy shape.
So, I started with two goals – I wanted to look better, and feel better so that I could live a longer, and healthier life. Sound familiar?
I needed to step up my activity levels and I ended up joining the local gym in 2004 with my husband. I was shocked to find my resting heart rate was at a very unhealthy rate. My heart rate shot up when I started moving and my husband almost went into cardiac arrest seeing the number. I told myself that I was never going to let myself get to this level again. That was the beginning and I haven’t looked back since.
Fast forward a few years later (in April of 2007) when a nurse checked my resting heart rate and told me it was less than 60 beats per minute. She checked it a few more times, and it was consistently below 60. I was so dumb-founded, I asked her if I was okay. She told me such a low heart-rate was an indication of a very strong heart muscle and is very positive.
If someone told me in 2004 when I joined the gym, that I would in 3 years have the resting heart-rate of an elite athlete, and become a fitness instructor teaching fitness classes, I would have laughed and said “you’ve got the wrong person”. I think I even would have bet a lot of money against it. I never would have dreamt that this was possible, and yet here I am.
If you’re ready to start, just remember to take it easy to start. You don’t have to switch from Couch Potato to Fitness Freak with a 10 step plan including a detailed schedule for food and fitness. There’s nothing more de-motivating than putting together a plan that you can not possibly follow.
Start small and as you achieve, pat yourself on the back, and begin to take bigger steps. Here are some starting steps below:
Physical - start walking
- Get off the bus a few stops early and walk the rest of the way home. Or, park your car furthest away from where you’re going and take a brisk walk.
- Take the stairs instead of the elevator
Mental - start thinking
- Ask for help – tell someone you know and trust what your short term goals are. Brainstorm ideas for how to achieve them
- Think about physical activities you already enjoy, or would like to try and think about how you can incorporate them into your week
Today is a great day to start.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
4 Quick Tips for Making Fitness Fun
Many of us have this misconception that leading a healthy lifestyle with a healthy diet and exercise routine means that there must be sacrifices to be made - from cutting out the fattening foods, to grudging visits to the gym - the word "healthy" has downright negative connotations. With that thought in the back of our mind, it's no wonder that many people struggle with their weight loss goals.
I hear many people who have been prompted into a diet and exercise regime due to scare tactics: “I know of a 41 year old who died of a heart attack and left behind 2 kids” or “my parents are ill and I don’t want to become like them”. These scare tactics only work to prompt your short-term action – they may have gotten you physically into the gym, however, they are a difficult way to motivate you longer term.
If you’re serious about making it stick this time around, think beyond the external factors that drove you to action in the first place, and now focus on the internal factors – focus on the moment and the what you are enjoying right now while you’re exercising.
I discovered this only a few short years ago and my journey began when I found myself with post-pregnancy “body-issues”. I found myself with a few more pounds and in areas I never had bulges in. I kept saying to my friends with distress - "I'm not the same shape anymore". And they told me I should stop whining and get used to it.
My husband and I joined the gym - I got on the treadmill, the bike, and the ellipticals and I felt like one of those hamsters in the wheel. I watched TV whilst I worked at this, and tried to focus on the goal – “this must be hard work, or else, I won’t get any better”.
I stayed away from the fitness classes because I had an impression they were “girly” and not serious about getting results. At the time, I guess I was stuck in the 80’s thinking fitness classes were more about wearing the right outfit, looking co-ordinated and beautiful without sweating too much. Hey – I kid you not – I remember seeing women in classes who would put on make-up before walking into a fitness class! Alas, that was another time, and in another world I suppose.
I finally tried a class – it was the least ‘girly’ one described – a martial arts inspired class with punches and kicks set to music – even some of my favourite music from the 80’s. It was a great start as I learned the moves, and discovered that sticking with a routine is much easier when you’re having fun. Back then, you could see me kicking, punching and singing my favourite songs while getting fitter. I was clearly enjoying this much more than my previous dealings while on the bike, treadmill, or elliptical.
I found what my body and mind enjoyed and that made the trips to the gym that much more likely, that much more fun and helped me get closer to my goals without really ‘working at it’. How’s that for positive motivation?
4 Quick Tips for making it fun
- Find an activity you enjoy doing or try an activity you have not tried before. You won’t know what you’ll like until you try it. Give it a whirl, and try at least 2-3 times before deciding whether you enjoy it or not. I’d like to try belly dancing. What’s on your list?
- Find additional ways to enjoy that activity – from favourite music to socializing with your friends – allow the activity to be multi-purpose
- Smile and Laugh. You can always find something to be cheerful about. Remember that smiles are contagious so be a leader and start giving them out. You’ll get back smiles in spades and perhaps meet new like-minded people as well
- Be in the moment – focus on what it feels like using all five of your senses and enjoy the endorphin rush.
I have loads of fun making my fitness classes fun and goofy – tell me how you make your fitness activities fun and enjoyable.