I had 2 reasons that led me to finally get off my couch and start.
- My doctor - she told me I needed to incorporate exercise into my routine partially because of my family pre-dispositions to the big three (heart, stroke, and diabetes) and partially because of my blood-work results.
- Me - I was uncomfortable with my post-pregnancy shape.
So, I started with two goals – I wanted to look better, and feel better so that I could live a longer, and healthier life. Sound familiar?
I needed to step up my activity levels and I ended up joining the local gym in 2004 with my husband. I was shocked to find my resting heart rate was at a very unhealthy rate. My heart rate shot up when I started moving and my husband almost went into cardiac arrest seeing the number. I told myself that I was never going to let myself get to this level again. That was the beginning and I haven’t looked back since.
Fast forward a few years later (in April of 2007) when a nurse checked my resting heart rate and told me it was less than 60 beats per minute. She checked it a few more times, and it was consistently below 60. I was so dumb-founded, I asked her if I was okay. She told me such a low heart-rate was an indication of a very strong heart muscle and is very positive.
If someone told me in 2004 when I joined the gym, that I would in 3 years have the resting heart-rate of an elite athlete, and become a fitness instructor teaching fitness classes, I would have laughed and said “you’ve got the wrong person”. I think I even would have bet a lot of money against it. I never would have dreamt that this was possible, and yet here I am.
If you’re ready to start, just remember to take it easy to start. You don’t have to switch from Couch Potato to Fitness Freak with a 10 step plan including a detailed schedule for food and fitness. There’s nothing more de-motivating than putting together a plan that you can not possibly follow.
Start small and as you achieve, pat yourself on the back, and begin to take bigger steps. Here are some starting steps below:
Physical - start walking
- Get off the bus a few stops early and walk the rest of the way home. Or, park your car furthest away from where you’re going and take a brisk walk.
- Take the stairs instead of the elevator
Mental - start thinking
- Ask for help – tell someone you know and trust what your short term goals are. Brainstorm ideas for how to achieve them
- Think about physical activities you already enjoy, or would like to try and think about how you can incorporate them into your week
Today is a great day to start.
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