Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Goodlife Fitness's 29th Birthday Party

Yesterday was Goodlife Fitness' birthday party. Woohoo! I'm so proud to be a part of this club and even happier to have celebrated such a milestone.

At the celebrations yesterday, I decided to take some time with the personal trainers and get some measurements. Measuring where you are is important to be able to see how far you've come along and besides, I'm always ready for a challenge.

I did some basic measurements plus three quick tests: Crunches, Push ups, and Squats. The personal trainers timed each one and helped me through crazy repetitions to push my limits. Let me tell you - I was exhausted by the end but felt exhilarated. I taught my class tonight and really wasn't sure I'd get through, but found a way. Now that I'm home, I'm laughing at my pain, and will have to call the Personal Trainers tomorrow to thank them for the incredible soreness and pleasure I got from taking it to the limit yesterday.

Plus, can you believe I've put on more muscle again (that would be the only explanation for the weight gain). Now, that's the kind of weight gain I like!

Once again, happy birthday Goodlife and thanks for showing me how to Live the Good Life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Daisy,

Can you share with us some of the personal benchmarks you've reached? For instance, how many crunches, push ups, etc. can you currently do? What is your target goal?

At the moment, my abdominal training consists of:

-1 set of crunches (70 reps)
-1 set of crossover crunches (50 reps, i.e. 25 per side)
-1 set of abdominal leg lifts (10 reps)
-1 set of russian twists (sadly only 20 reps because I just started, i.e. 10 per side)

It would be easy for me to work up to 130+ ab crunches, but my goal isn't to have a 6 pack or be even to be "fit". I only work out so that I can play better tennis and hit the ball harder using core strength.

In fact, current UFC Welterweight Champion, Georges St. Pierre says “My conditioning is one of the most important things in fighting. If I compare conditioning to F1 racing, it’s like if I put the best driver in the world in a 'bad' car, he’s gonna go nowhere. So it’s important to be very skillful, but also to have a very good conditioning. Because conditioning is your foundation, it’s like your house. If you build a house. If you have no foundation, your house is gonna fall down.”

Likewise, I could be the best tennis player in the world, but if my body isn't strong, then I won't even be able to hit the ball over the net, haha!