Monday, April 7, 2008

It's getting hot in here

I used to think that I was cold because I didn't have much fat on me. In Fall, Winter, and Spring, I used to complain about the cold Canadian weather and was the person sitting right in front of the fire whether it was a fireplace fire, or a campfire. I longed for summer heat so that I could stay warm.

This past weekend was a wonderfully warm Toronto weekend with weather in the teens (celsius). We still had snow on our lawns and some of our backyards, but the above 0 weather felt so incredibly warm, I ended up in shorts and short-sleeves outside. Other sane people in my neighbourhood wore jackets over their short sleeves, or long sleeves, and it occurred to me that I've completely turned the corner. Rather than being the person who used to be bundled up more than others, I became the crazy one who can not seem to wear much more than shorts and short sleeves in any and all weather.

In the past few years since I raised my personal fitness levels to new heights, my greatly improved circulation has allowed me to say bye-bye to bulky sweaters. My wardrobe has changed so that I no longer wear winter clothes - all my clothes are lighter spring/summer fare all year round with the occasional light sweater. And my skin? Healthy and glowing just like they advertise on TV, except mine doesn't cost me any creams and crazy claims.

I know circulation, staying warm and looking rosy cheeked may not be the highest priority in most people's fitness goals, but it happens to be a nice side effect that I was reminded of today.


Anonymous said...

I think you're absolutely right! Getting back into shape these last two years has even allowed me to wear shorts in December. I had just played two and a half hours of indoor tennis and then went to dinner with a friend, and the hostess asked me if I was cold and I coolly said "no":)

Daisy said...

Hey Kevin,

I'm glad you've gotten back into it, and are enjoying just some of the benefits.

Thanks for continuing to visit and comment too - always appreciated.

Anonymous said...

I must say I have opposite experience. As I am losing my fat "coat" I'm constantly cold in the winter. On the other side - the heat in the summer is much more bearable for me this way.
I'm curious what is your opinion on air conditioning - last summer there were a lot of comments all of a sudden that using AC makes you fat, cause cheats your body to build up fat in order to cope with "lower temperatures". I haven't found any ground for this theory yet, but I believe I'm noticing the related effect in the winter - less fat feels colder (at least for me).

Anonymous said...

No problem Daisy, glad I could help!